Thursday, 27 August 2015

27th August 2015

The past few days have been somewhat hellish and I have no humour to sprinkle on the situation!
Following my lumbar puncture last Friday, I've become progressively worse with the spinal headache culminating in causing an adrenal crisis.. Which my body conveniently decided to have on my way to my radiotherapy planning. Coco-pops on the way back up is not so pleasant!

I administered my emergency injection with the help of mum and decided just to get on with the planning no matter how crappy I felt. . I managed to get the moulds made and fitted but then had to go into the CT scanner where I had to lie face down with the moulds strapped very tight to the table- you cannot move even a tiny bit, not even enough to speak. It doesn't help that I'm claustrophobic (Doctors call it claustrophobia but to me, it's a perfectly logical and instinctual reflex to hate tiny spaces or being pinned down) but the nausea from the adrenal crisis was still there and it wasn't really safe for me to be in the scanner like that for fifteen minutes so I've to return on Friday for the final stage of planning.

I really, really, really (did I say REALLY?!) don't want to have this treatment and can't bear the thought of my face being strapped down to that table but I know I have to.
I was feeling super grumpy and generally hacked off with the universe! I'm bald, puffy and my body quite clearly hates me! Sorry it's not a more positive post. .
Anyway, with the help of Mum, Péter,  jelly and crackers, I got through the past few days and today I have picked up somewhat and the spinal headache has almost cleared. Hopefully the nausea bids adieu before the final stage of planning tomorrow! 
Now that I've managed to get out of bed, Mum and I will be spending the afternoon doing something a bit more positive - writing wedding invitations! 

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